Aaron Tucker
Essay and the Argument: Rhetoric Workshop
LBST 1A43 D1 - Fall & Winter The Essay and the Argument - Rhetoric 7 Tues 0900-0930 1525
LBST 1A43 D1 - Fall & Winter The Essay and the Argument 8 Tues 0930-1000 1525
LBST 1A43 D1 - Fall & Winter The Essay and the Argument 9 Tues 1515-1545 1516
LBST 1A43 D1 - Fall & Winter The Essay and the Argument 10 Tues 1545-1615 1516
LBST 1A43 D1 - Fall & Winter The Essay and the Argument 11 Tues 1615-1645 1516
LBST 1A43 D1 - Fall & Winter The Essay and the Argument 13 Tues 1715-1745 1516
Office hours: 2:00 – 3:00 Tuesdays in the cafeteria or by appointment
Required text : Barnet, Sylvan. A Short Guide to Writing about Art.
Recommended Texts: Dictionary, Style Guide
This workshop is designed specifically for students who wish to sharpen their persuasive skills through an intensive study of the art of rhetoric and debate. Students will focus on advanced arguments through in-depth analysis of course readings as well as a close examination of various rhetorical tips and strategies.
I, as a teacher, am especially concerned with infusing students with good habits in both writing and critical/reflexive thinking, skills that can be applied to all manners of their academic and artistic career. While we will be closely discussing various elements and strategies of writing (i.e. organization, thesis, research etc) we will also be talking about the ways to apply the skills learned through the process of writing to your other areas of study.
Workshop Grade Distribution: The workshop accounts for 20% of your LBST 1A40 final grade with 10% to be calculated at the end of the fall semester and 10% at the end of the winter semester.
Workshop Expectations: Workshop activities and exercises will be conducted IN CLASS. We will be doing a lot of peer and class discussion and, as such, this class (and your mark) will depend heavily on participation and involvement. Please come to class prepared, with the proper materials read and ready to discuss.
Lateness and Absences: Because this is a half hour course, lateness will not be tolerated. I will have a very strict closed door policy: one minute after class starts the door will shut and no one will enter. As each class will count as rough 1 percent of your final mark, absences too will affect your mark. As such, absence from the workshop without suitable official documentation will result in a 0 grade for that day’s activities; excused absences will be accompanied by a doctor’s note and/or other valid reason.